Dreifuss Bothers Genealogy


Welcome to DreifussBros Genealogy!


DreifussBros Genealogy is one of the longest standing and accurate family websites. We work to research and provide more thorough and accurate results for our family and help and collaborate with other genealogy enthusiasts. You may have visited one of our Kehilalinks pages on Jewishgen.org. Combined with work first initiated by our father before us, our collected work and experience spans well over 40 years with over 5800 people.


Our site documents family history which has been unearthed by us and is designed to help others explore their roots. Float your mouse over the blue menu bar to browse the details and select your interests among:

Genealogies of thousands of people broken down into several searchable sub-families and other families that we host. This part of DreifussBros requires a user name and password - find out about getting one here.

Family Histories we have written for posterity

Origins of our most common family names, geographical family homes of the past, and the genetics that help recognize related from non related families:

About Us - where you learn more about us and contact us, including to request a password;

a Family Forum where family members and visitors can keep in touch with family, comment about the site or pose questions to a broad genealogy audience.


Why we do this:


 We love genealogy and our family history. Our goals are (1) to help you find information you are seeking about your family, their origins and histories, (2) to help us meet and network with additional family members, (3) provide support and guidance with others interested in genealogy and (4) to provide privacy for family members while still allowing visitors access to other information, including networking to determine if family connections exist.




To meet all of these goals (especially goal (4) above), you will need us to issue you a unique user name and password to search the records on our 5500 family members, 3900 families with well over 1000 photographs  and in locations around the world. To get a user name and password please visit our password access section here. You will need to show that you are related to one of our family groups or show adequate reason why you should have access to our records.  Passwords are also available for genealogists and family historians interested in collaborating and sharing records with us. You will find more information here.


Be sure to provide us with your feedback here. If you're a visitor, we're interested in hearing from you, especially if you think we're related and why you believe this. If you're family, let us know. Please contact us if you have corrections, updates or would like more privacy associated with your family.


Genealogical Myths


Jewishgen.org recently listed ten myths about family history, especially affecting people with Jewish origins. You can find it here.


Most Recent Update (October 5, 2021)


Increased emphasis on our TAMBEAU, MORSE, Linehan, Lambert Genealogy including life among ancestral early American settlers families living in Sudbury and Framingham, MA, before and during the Revolutionary War. Requires a password and username.






© 2016 DreifussBros.com

Contact Us for password information or for Comments

Web Master: Pete Dreifuss - Date of last revision 17 Jan 2022