Benjamin Garfinkel, daughter Bertha and young Sidney in New York ca 1920. Benjamin was a master carpenter in Rozwadow and New York. Benjamin and his wife Rela (Rose) Erhlich Garfinkel had six children born in Galicia (one died as an infant). The seventh was Sidney who was born in New York.

Yermyahu Garfinkel, an uncle of Benjamin was a glazier, who was born in Rozwadow. According to family stories, he immigrated to the U.S. but didn't find it religious enough and returned to Europe. Photo copy obtained from collaborator, Audrey Buchtel.


The Garfinkels in the 19th century lived in Galicia, a province of the Austrian empire. Family memories place Benjamin and Reila (Rose) Garfinkel's family living in Rozwadow prior to their emigration, although records of the children show they were born in Mielec. However very few written records survive on the Garfinkels due to the strategic position of the land where their family lived in the early twentieth century. During both World Wars, Russian, German and Austrian armies repeated passed through that area of Galicia destroying everything in their path. Fortunately Louis Garfinkel was old enough to remember not only the some of the family history but the names of his aunts, uncles and great uncles upon which to build. Louis passed the information on to his youngest sibling Sidney (16 years age difference).


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